Free entry
Free parking
Toilets on site
Buggy-friendly (grassy ground)
Open daily June – August (see below for details)
4 miles SE of Chard TA20 4NA, signposted on local roads

I’m writing this a little late in the PYO fruit picking season (5th August), as the strawberries are nearly done and so are the blackcurrants, but there’s some real beauties to be found in the raspberry ‘aisles’!
A great activity away from the summer crowds, bring your own containers to the tranquil fruit farm on the outskirts of the grounds of Forde Abbey (a stately home) and its gardens, and have fun searching for the best fruity treasure.
Open daily from the second week in June (check website for dates) until mid to late August, 09.30 – 18.00, weather permitting. On poor weather days, visitors are advised to phone the farm on 01460 30460 to check if it’s open.
Earlier in the season you’ll find strawberries, followed by raspberries, jostaberries, tayberries (a cross between the blackberry and a raspberry), redcurrants and blackcurrants. I said that like I totally know what a jostaberry is, but really I just copied and pasted, so if anyone feels like enlightening me then please do!
It’s free to enter, there’s plenty of free parking, and the kiosk offers ice cream tubs to tempt you when you’re paying for your fruit at the end. The ground is grassy and not really sandals territory, but you could get around ok with a buggy if needed. Facilities wise, there are a couple portaloos.
Keep up with updates and announcements on Forde Abbey’s Facebook page.

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Pick Your Own Fruit Devon Somerset